Aug 4, 2006

Teflon & Lebensraum (If It Smells Like Dresden...)

Still repairing scratches in my Teflon at some Euroskanky beach, so SMC posts will continue to be sporadic and flaky at best - with the exception of stellar gift posts from EFFWIT (so nothing new there).

BTW, I stand corrected on a previous post. Israel's lead management role of this latest campaign of atrocities is worse than anything we systematically perp'd in Iraqistan, as it is now apparent without so much as a kosher caveat to spare that Israel is deliberately targeting civilians with a cynism hard to recall since the low-tech horrors of machete Rwanda. That is, imho, the shocker of what is going on in Lebanon.

Civilian murder and maiming does not represent collateral damage. They are instead both the primary military means and the goal to achieve an expansion of Israeli lebensraum parallel to securing vulnerable flanks as we soon push on to Iran. I dare anyone to challenge me on that - shagrug basement blogging pinheads included. Qana - that was a dandy psyop of terror if any. No two ways about it. Check your history books.

Go kill 'em, Izzy. Kill 'em all.

Lebensraum and Iran can't wait in these revolutionary of times.

The first picture is taken July 12, before Israel began pouring U.S. manufactured fire power down on Beirut.
The second picture is of the same area 19 days later.
The commercial remote sensing company
GeoEye released these satellite photos through AP.

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