Sorry Protein Wisdom. Well syntaxed but predictably wrong again. Fear doth contort perceptions but where would your clan of whining cowers be without them.
Info-Op you.
Yes, this conclusively proves that Jesse MacBeth is really Karl Rove.
We are very happy with ourselves!
Their cleverness can only hide their lies from the pecking birds of regurgitude for a small pound of red pudding. Deciduous? I think NOT.
Where's Rove some Fearpissers ask? I ask but, where's your litium this time? Go check in your survival shelter and I'll be right with you to tend to your aching shame.
Being sucker punched into playing a vindictive Nancy Drew hurts. But cry, don't whine. Good tears often bring on good times.
Imagine that. The last gimp winged straggler from the PW swarm still hasn't found the door out yet.
Jiminy Locust, these walls have This Way Out painted in Braille for all the squint-eyed scaredy pants that walked in here by mistake while on Kool Aid safari with an abandoning Fuhrer of pied piper wit.
Or what, is it that you find my fat fingered rectal probings so surprisingly nuturing? That I've left you feeling, for the first time ever since you were given up for infant adoption in Boise,Never bored or lonely again. Do you find your chronic state of nipple-seperation anxiety now suddenly melting off your face like a 7-11 slurpee in the Alabama sun?
Indeed! Rectal stucco is Karl Rove! 7-11 is the DHMO front! Can Scumburg deny Nancy Drew? Nipple-separation says of course not. This is obvious even to the umbilical Davidians.
Truly, much has been froggled here. But, much remains to be engendered for squalid Tennesseeans.
Yes, this conclusively proves that Jesse MacBeth is really Karl Rove.
We are very happy with ourselves!
Their cleverness can only hide their lies from the pecking birds of regurgitude for a small pound of red pudding. Deciduous? I think NOT.
End info-op #87483993.
Where's Rove some Fearpissers ask? I ask but, where's your litium this time? Go check in your survival shelter and I'll be right with you to tend to your aching shame.
Being sucker punched into playing a vindictive Nancy Drew hurts. But cry, don't whine. Good tears often bring on good times.
Hush hush, scurry scurry.
PS Meatball Seven
Who the fuck lives in Schaumberg Illinois? A pink stucco house basement dweller?
I agree! Scumburg is Karl Rove! Trees are people too! Stucco is the real enemy. Nancy Drew must rise again!
Can any of this not be true? The answer is purple.
info op #73872872 (ongoing)
(I advise caution. DHMO has one million faces.)
Imagine that. The last gimp winged straggler from the PW swarm still hasn't found the door out yet.
Jiminy Locust, these walls have This Way Out painted in Braille for all the squint-eyed scaredy pants that walked in here by mistake while on Kool Aid safari with an abandoning Fuhrer of pied piper wit.
Or what, is it that you find my fat fingered rectal probings so surprisingly nuturing? That I've left you feeling, for the first time ever since you were given up for infant adoption in Boise,Never bored or lonely again. Do you find your chronic state of nipple-seperation anxiety now suddenly melting off your face like a 7-11 slurpee in the Alabama sun?
You wouldn't be the first, cellar dweller
Indeed! Rectal stucco is Karl Rove! 7-11 is the DHMO front! Can Scumburg deny Nancy Drew? Nipple-separation says of course not. This is obvious even to the umbilical Davidians.
Truly, much has been froggled here. But, much remains to be engendered for squalid Tennesseeans.
end info-op #1111229 (complete)
H2O that, Schaumburg.
Callsign: Dropkick
True: Callsign is Karl Rove!
Drooling webmonkeys cavort in nonsensical phrasings!
Dropkick sense! Babble meaninglessly in naked womenness! Surely perspicacity will result.
info op #7373822 (orange/red/green/blue)
(We think in third person, too! We are SPECIAL!!)
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