We seem to be hearing a lot from Qaradawi these days:
Tribal and religious leaders condemned Gaddafi for the attacks against civilians; some urged all Muslims to rise against him. Influential Muslim cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi told al-Jazeera that he urged any Libyan soldier who has the opportunity to kill Gaddafi - and issued a religious decree to that effect.
"I am issuing a fatwa now to kill Gaddafi," the cleric said. "To any army soldier, to any man who can pull the trigger and kill this man to do so."
"Best IO-blog ever" -- You gets no bread with one meatball (pNSFW)
Feb 25, 2011
Feb 19, 2011
It's down to the ding-a-lings (Beck's show over in a year)

This article is the prod; BECK VS. GOOGLE
"Its down to the ding-a-lings (plus/minus 2.3 percent) for Beck audience. Those types all have their own theories. They no longer need a Beck."--SMC sourceLMAO
that his show will be over in a year.Also,
that we saved the gov some money by our generic reminder to look before you turn in your ID for private sector.Still modeling number of saves - gonna probably be good.
The operative Communications Theory idea is likely being nibbled at. After all, parts were funded by the Ford Foundation. Too bad gov lost the thread - holding up good here.
Jerkoffs might suspect that we are touting the Assange line. Hardly
(Feel free to feel amply dumb -- it's the true feeling that builds a resilient community)
Intelligence Community,
Feb 18, 2011
Iranian Lawmakers Call for Opposition Leaders' Deaths
Iranian Lawmakers Call for Opposition Leaders' Deaths.
This kinda thing - paradigm shift or what - is never far from our minds. The Islamists must go.
Not like we ever lost main focus. We are the ultimate pain-in-the-ass critics. They know we are checking their work.
They get a break for now.
This shit is serious.
"We believe the people have lost their patience and demand capital punishment," more than 220 legislators said in a statement a day after thousands of Iranians took to the streets in support of the protests in Egypt.Read original story Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011
This kinda thing - paradigm shift or what - is never far from our minds. The Islamists must go.
Not like we ever lost main focus. We are the ultimate pain-in-the-ass critics. They know we are checking their work.
They get a break for now.
This shit is serious.
Feb 17, 2011
The Intel Biz Is Changing As Never Before (Or Should Be)

It actually enhances global (and arguably US) security.
That's why Russia and China have among the most to fear from the new dispensation.
The intel biz is changed as never before.
Some think that the problem is one leaker of historic proportion. The problem for the security states is the ability for able users of the WL media to leverage prior knowledge into confirmed hypotheses.
The revelations are not the story, though.
It is in the increased ability within the larger intel community (incl OSI) to be able to think about these things in a new way. (Very opaque intentionally - were talking man's original software). Secrets are no longer - even if locked away from all but the most qualified eyes - safe. Nobody's secrets.
Just part of the battle for the unconscious mind.
Those with a vested interest in keeping up the scam - for the money - are really going to be hurting. But this may take awhile. The obvious takes forever sometimes.
PS WARNING! Today's blandishment d'easter egg takes us to one of the documents in Aftenposten's cache of WL State cables. Our usual disclaimer applies -- as do the following excerpts and screwy commentary:
"Allies differed over whether the Special Committee should focus its efforts only on traditional subjects, such as the threat to NATO from Russian intelligence services, or should expand its reach to look at issues such as the threat to NATO forces in Afghanistan from Al Qaeda."Yikes, this in 2009? And NATO? No wonder NATO Intelligence Reform is a pressing concern.
"The French PermRep argued that the Special Committee should not engage in an assessment of the threat from Russian security services, stating that these proposed topics appeared to have been drafted with a "Cold War" viewpoint -- despite the fact that NATO recently expelled two Russian diplomats for activities inconsistent with their status."Score one for the Frogs there.
"XXXXXXXXXXXX also said that the Committee needed guidance from the NAC to help it pare down a list of 12 possible "normal" threat assessments to the five that the Committee would produce during 2010. The list of twelve included:SMC readers who need the answers to any of these Qs - classified at the NATO XXXXXXXXXXXX level - can choose one of two options. Those with appropriate NATO clearances may obtain a copy from their NATO registry or sub-registry - or else wait for us to post them when we feel like getting around to it.
-- Al Qaeda and Taliban capability in Pakistan and its impact on NATO operations in Afghanistan;
-- Afghanistan: Provision of Logistical Support and Know-How to ISAFs Adversaries;
-- Threat to NATO Operations in Afghanistan from Iranian Intelligence Services;
-- North Koreans U-turn on NBRC: What will be the Strategic Impact of the North Korean Decision to Enhance their Programme?
-- Al Qaeda Presence in Yemen: Threats and Risks to NATO Countries;
-- Somalia: Impact of the Deterioration of the Security Situation in Somalia on NATO Nations;
-- Kosovo: Links between Organized Crime and Political Figures and Subsequent Risks for KFOR;
-- Modus Operandi of Civilian Cover GRU Officers targeting the Advanced Technology Field and What Types of Advanced Technology they are attempting to Acquire;
-- FSB Overseas Operational Activity using International Counter-Terrorism and Law Enforcement Liaison. Consequent Threats to NATO Countries;
-- Initiatives by Subversive/Antagonist Circles towards NATO Targets;
-- Decision-making Process of Extremist Cells: the Role played by Veterans and Religious Leaders; and
-- The Fight against Imperialism, Militarism, and Security Policies: Shared Battlefronts of the NATO Countries Antagonist Mobilisation Front."
Intelligence Community,
North Korea,
Feb 11, 2011
Davis: A Little Too Close For (Someone's) Comfort -- Or "Hose 'Em Double-Crossing Sanctuary-Paks"

The Urdu-speaking American diplomat who is being held in Pak didn't grease robbers.
He offed a Pak intel motorbike-mounted surveillance team.
Not conjecture.
Looks like our boy Davis may have gotten a little too close to a high-value AQ target - the Paks tried to intervene - and he had to hose 'em.
Whaa?! Davis was a SOF/ODA type? ;)
Anyways, we expect nothing short of a full court press to get D out. Leeway for massive & extreme prejudice must be allotted (and this at any early sign of bilking Pak-intransigence).Go Reagan on 'em on a whim.We'll pick up the tab (Our OEX Feb Calls have been good to us -- so far.)
The Main Strategic PSYOP As Practiced By US In UK
The conservative-leaning British paper The Telegraph has published 400 of the cables relating to the UK on their website . There are some goodies. I see no harm (to us) in republishing content from cables found on Telegraph website.
Have made it through all 400 of the cables posted by The Telegraph on Feb. 4.
We will spotlight a few of the good ones over the next few posts. We must assure any watchers that these cables are posted in full on the Telegraph's website, so the OPSEC bogeyman doesn't apply to us. Content's certainly public domain at this point (despite claims to the contrary from know-nothings).
That said - as hard as it is for some to believe (and watchtards believe much BS) - no OPSEC was harmed in the making of this and subsequent posts.
The main strat PSYOP as practiced by US in UK. (Since GB has plenty of experience along these lines - and is active worldwide in the post 9/11 strat PSYOP - the fact that we are doing some lifting in UK proper is probably due to money issues, given traditional British sensitivities to their turf in matters of this nature.)
Have made it through all 400 of the cables posted by The Telegraph on Feb. 4.
We will spotlight a few of the good ones over the next few posts. We must assure any watchers that these cables are posted in full on the Telegraph's website, so the OPSEC bogeyman doesn't apply to us. Content's certainly public domain at this point (despite claims to the contrary from know-nothings).
That said - as hard as it is for some to believe (and watchtards believe much BS) - no OPSEC was harmed in the making of this and subsequent posts.
The main strat PSYOP as practiced by US in UK. (Since GB has plenty of experience along these lines - and is active worldwide in the post 9/11 strat PSYOP - the fact that we are doing some lifting in UK proper is probably due to money issues, given traditional British sensitivities to their turf in matters of this nature.)
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