The quote from the recorded message: "Fear no one. Do not be afraid of jail. Do not fear death," shows classic activation of the God archetype. The psychological power of same is the hitherto unmentioned (except at least once on SMC) real problem for us of the GWOT.
From a 2007 SMC post (a classic - must read again):
We will never be able to reach with words the Allah-intoxicated Islamist any more than reason can prevail upon someone whose unconscious is in the thrall of an activated God archetype anywhere.
For such cases, there are expedient means (not necessarily kinetic) that cannot be openly discussed in a public forum.
Remember, this is a battle for the unconscious mind.
"Best IO-blog ever" -- You gets no bread with one meatball (pNSFW)
Jan 31, 2011
Station Venezuela -- Elevator Pitch For Cred
A boilerplate plan (though pilcrow 7 suggests another influence program - one that is serious - is operational).
Dig the de rigueur polling - just like in mil IO & domestic housekeeping ops (inter alia)
Warning: The above links to Q
(WARNING! The text above links to Access w/ extreme prudence)
Information Operation,
Regime Change,
Jan 26, 2011
Mr. Clarridge's Operation Eclipse Group

Stuff like this makes it worthwhile to get up in the morning. You just can't make this shit up.
[Clarridge] planned to set spies on ... the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai in hopes of collecting beard trimmings or other DNA samples that might prove Mr. Clarridge’s suspicions that the Afghan leader was a heroin addict, associates say.
Ho Ho Ho.
What leverage would this provide the US - already the provider of endless largesse to K?
Maybe we can lure him to JFK or Newark and let DEA take it from there?
Gotta be in the playbook. (Joke)
And a little farther along:
For all of the can-you-top-this qualities to Mr. Clarridge’s operation, it is a startling demonstration of how private citizens can exploit the chaos of combat zones and rivalries inside the American government to carry out their own agenda.
Ho Ho Ho²
Mr. Clarridge declined to be interviewed, but issued a statement that likened his operation, called the Eclipse Group, to the Office of Strategic Services, the C.I.A.’s World War II precursor.
“O.S.S. was a success of the past,” he wrote. “Eclipse may possibly be an effective model for the future, providing information to officers and officials of the United States government who have the sole responsibility of acting on it or not.”
Ho Ho Ho³
Still, associates said, Mr. Clarridge maneuvered against the Karzais last summer by helping promote videos, available on YouTube, purporting to represent the “Voice of Afghan Youth.” The slick [sic] videos disparage the president as the “king of Kabul” who regularly takes money from the Iranians, and Ahmed Wali Karzai as the “prince of Kandahar” who “takes the monthly gold from the American intelligence boss” and makes the Americans “his puppet.”
The videos received almost no attention when they were posted on the Internet, but were featured in July on the Fox News Web site in a column by Mr. North, who declined to comment for this article. Writing that he had “stumbled” on the videos on the Internet, he called them a “treasure trove.”
Ho Ho Ho
Information Operation
Jan 19, 2011
Jan 17, 2011
Gaddafi, Scanlan, & Julian (And Those Pesky SIPDIS-tagless cables)

And from the Grauniad:
5.03pm: Cables published by the Swedish press have disclosed that the US made efforts to get two Swedish companies - Colenco and Mahacos - from working with Iran on civilian nuclear reactors.
2.45pm: Gregg Mitchell at the Nation reports that Norway's Aftenposten, which was leaked a set of the cables, has shared its cache with more media organisations. Die Welt, the German paper, has been named and there are three more to come, a contact at the paper tells him.
The Aftenposten set has also been shared with Politilken in Denmark, Svenska Dagbladet in Sweden and the Dutch broadcaster RTL and newspaper NRC Handelsblad, as mentioned below.
Keen readers may note that Assange has also said he gave the cables to the Dutch pair referenced to above..
Question: what links Muammar Gaddafi and Teresa Scanlan, winner of Miss America 2011? The answer is they both made strong statements over the weekend against WikiLeaks.
Gaddafi blamed the Tunisia uprising on cables written by "ambassadors in order to create chaos". In answer to a question on WikiLeaks at the pageant, Scanlan, who (more conventionally) also played the piano and wore a bikini, said the release of the cables "was actually based on espionage, and when it comes to the security of our nation, we have to focus on security first and then people's right to know."
Nice. No frickin rocket scientist her
Must leave 'em all scratching their heads.
While they must be able to sense that something funny is happening, their luck runs out there.
This is because logic is not necessarily in play.
It may be part of the battle for the unconscious mind.
Or it may be shimmer.
Speaking of shimmer, French intel indicates that Mrs. Ben Ali decamped from Tunisia with 1.5 tons of gold - probably in late 2010 as they were getting their ducks in a row.
Must leave 'em all scratching their heads.
While they must be able to sense that something funny is happening, their luck runs out there.
This is because logic is not necessarily in play.
It may be part of the battle for the unconscious mind.
Or it may be shimmer.
Speaking of shimmer, French intel indicates that Mrs. Ben Ali decamped from Tunisia with 1.5 tons of gold - probably in late 2010 as they were getting their ducks in a row.
Jan 14, 2011
Out InThe Cold: Just For Laughs

Both of these gems are from Al Kamen's Post column.
Frosty exit for Wolfowitz
On Saturday, counterinsurgency guru and Center for a New American Security President John Nagl held his annual post-Christmas party at his home in Alexandria, attended by dozens of Iraq war veterans, Obama administration officials and journalists.
Also in attendance was Iraq war architect and former deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz, whose jacket somehow vanished from the coat room.
In all likelihood, it was a simple case of mistaken identity.
But as Wolfowitz, now at the American Enterprise Institute, headed home without his coat on a frigid Washington night - temps around 26 degrees with gusting winds up to nearly 30 mph - conspiracy theorists couldn't help but wonder whether foul play was involved. The big question as the party was winding down: Did a disgruntled Iraq veteran walk off with the jacket as a last measure of revenge, or was it the work of a left-leaning Obama-ite?
For once, no one seemed to blame the journalists.
That's why it's a secret
One of the favorite ploys used by government bureaucrats to thwart freedom-of-information requests (aside from just stalling) is the old B5 dodge. That refers to a section of the Freedom of Information Act that exempts from disclosure any information that the agency deems might be a sensitive part of the internal "deliberative processes" of government, such as inter- or intra-agency communications and such.
The National Security Archive recently won an appeal from the State Department over a B5 classification of something written by a department official on a proposed House resolution. The January 2000 resolution, sponsored by Reps. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) and Bill McCollum (R-Fla.), expressed "the sense of the House of Representatives that Pakistan should be designated a state sponsor of terrorism."
A State Department official had written something on the proposed resolution that the department decided was exempt from disclosure. The Archive went through the department's appeals process and two years later won the right to see the hidden writing on the resolution.
It said: "What a bunch of crap!!"
Ah, the old deliberative process ain't what it used to be.
Jan 11, 2011
At the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003, I knew to within an hour or so when the bombs were to begin falling = "shock and awe."
I and a very few others I knew went thermo-short - assuming the Middle East was going to go apeshit. (You can check the tape.) As soon as war broke out, the market rallied like a mother, and I was creamed for days (if not longer) until I threw in the towel.
Later, people I knew were saying "of course the market rallied, the market always loves war." I knew that the market had no idea what a fuckup it was, but it rallied because it thought we had won a clear victory.
Oh well.
And - vis-à-vis the unrest, the PTB is really spinning the narrative that the AZ shooter was not political. What nonsense. But it seems to be working. They are conducting BDA-type assessments of their work - polling - and the American people are answering as they have been instructed. They do not believe that the fucktard was a wingnut.
Worry not. Gov has this under control.
At least until the next incident.
Jan 8, 2011
Retards -- Not Just An AQI Asset

The Pakistanis "understand that Afghanistan-Pakistan has become the single most important foreign policy issue to the United States, and their cachet has gone up." But they also realize that they may have reached the point of maximum leverage, this official said...
I ain't too sure about the "non-impaired" bit, now that I think about it.
Poor Effwit -- gurl can't bring herself to say retard. That's where an M1 steps in.
Desperate Narrative,
Jan 7, 2011
Rabbit Hole -- This Shit Is Definitely Not True
Long-suffering friends of this dubious blog will know that we are consistently sloppy on innumerate counts as pertains to style (Yes, and as pertains to most everything else.) Yet when we let loose the occasional canonating certitude --well, we are invariably smackaroo in the money.
Friendz know that much.
Friendz know that much.

Tidy tensions 'tween WikiLeaks and the Papers.
[Assange] had become the victim of his own methods: someone at WikiLeaks, where there was no shortage of disgruntled volunteers, had leaked the last big segment of the documents, and they ended up at The Guardian in such a way that the paper was released from its previous agreement with Assange—that The Guardian would publish its stories only when Assange gave his permission.
Lots of good stuff for the careful reader, until this stinker:
“He is short of money and short of secrets,” someone who has worked extensively with Assange told me. “The whole thing has collapsed.”
This is not true, and then the writer tries to argue that the stateless nature of WL is a disadvantage.
Writer went down the rabbit hole.
Government officials are also worried that foreign intelligence services may be trying to acquire the cable collection, a development that would heighten concerns about the safety of those named in the documents.
Do ya'think?
That fucking cat is out of the bag already. They need not wonder any longer.
Jan 2, 2011
Strangled or Straddled -- SIPDIS header tag

To begin with, although the State Dept reckoned it b mighty wise to load up SIPRNet with historical cable traffic going back to 1966, there are only 17 cables that date from 1966-1979. Nothing from 1979-1985
In January 1985, the spigot opened.
Also, there is no Top Secret material from State (AFAIK). Sorry, Cindy Sheehan & Cynthia MvKinney.
One fifth of the cables - over 50,000 are from Obama's State Dept.
Now we get to the good part. The feds have made it clear that they are looking for other leakers (aside from BM). Meatballs now know why.
Not all the State Dept cables obtained by WikiL bear the SIPDIS header tag.
And darn it by Golly -- there were no Grenada intervention cables. Just cesspools of wimpy diplo-chatter ´bout Dick and the regular household neocons remote controlling holographic airplanes on 911 at the behest of a bunch screwily transcribed names that rang New World Order jooo, writ large. What's that all about? Best ask Alex or Charlie.
And btw, is our blog-posty noosing of transition `tween `10 & `11 best described as bearing character of strangle or of straddle? (Sheesh, none of us Effwits can even remember the diff `tween micro and macro. So hey, don't bother wasting charitable answer on chump(s))
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