Just recently Dexter Filkins (he of the flawed piece from two weeks ago) checked in aping the narrative we've been hearing so much of lately. (ref SMC tweet)
Then the dying Christopher Hitchens hopped aboard for a ride on the shall we attack PAK? bandwagon.(ref SMC tweet)
PAK ain't a "loyal ally" - given, but are more helpful than dudes know. (ref SMC tweet) The usual tards have morphed the necessary operational obfuscation into passionate political run-amokism that hasn't been helping matters
Happy me waking up to this piece in today's Post SMC, thou art avenged!
(High-levels falling all over themselves trying to deal with the "chatter" bullshittery, too.)
Adultz realized that the tards were digging a big hOle for USA if their BS narrative was gonna be carried to its logical conclusion.
It don't get much better than this. (Though they are only walking back the story as much as they can without losing much of what remains of their dwindling credibility)
"U.S. officials said Mullen was unaware of the cellphones until after he testified."
Ho ho ho. He would have been briefed if it was true. More accurate would be to say "Mullen was unaware that amateur hour was gonna involve 'chatter' bullshittery."
Its not like we haven't tried to educate them about this sort of thing.
Mullen's key involvement in amateur hour frolics here cannot be good sign. The level of deception may have gotten out of control. Subterfuge in furthering an op like we discussed elsewhere a few days ago is one thing, but feeding into the media circus/political spectatorism to the degree that they did is quite another.